Monday 25 October 2021

Zonas: Fertility Awareness Campaign

Infertility is an issue that affects so many. Approximately 1 in 8 women struggle to conceive and sadly 1 in 4 experience miscarriage. Yet it is not something that is openly spoken about regularly.

I recently came across Zonas, a medical-based company that works towards empowering women through gaining more knowledge and understanding of their bodies. Broken down as Zoh (meaning life in Greek) and Zona (the external layer of a female egg), this is a unique area of research available to any woman in the UK.

I think their work is amazing and so important as it is aiming to break the stigma surrounding fertility and enable people to be in control of their own bodies. For a much smaller fee than private health consultations, Zonas can help to identify any barriers early and help to empower people to make their own choices. They provide this through an easy, accessible testing kit.


The Hormone Test is an at-home kit that tests for a hormone called Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) which can provide information on:
- how many eggs you have and whether this is in line with estimates for your age
- how close you are to menopause 
- if you are a potential candidate for PCOS
- if you are a potential candidate for IVF or egg freezing

1. You will firstly order your test online and complete a medical questionnaire. This is confidential and will only be accessed by the doctors working on your report. 

2. You will receive your test kit within 3-5 days. You will be provided with a lancet so that you can safely and easily prick your finger to collect your blood. Once the blood has been collected, add 10 drops to the test tube (up to the line). The test can be taken on any day of your cycle.

3. Sign and date the Test Request form so that the lab know that this is your blood and that they have consent to complete the test for you.

4. Post your sample to Zonas via the pre-paid postage envelope included.

5. Once your sample has been received, doctors will analyse your results alongside your health questionnaire.

6. You will receive your results within one week.

Please note that the information received from Zonas, although conducted within a lab, should not replace your Doctor’s opinion or suggestions. The test results are to assist with screening and do not provide a diagnosis.

Zonas recommend completing this test every 3-6 months to keep results up to date.


I have completed my test and I’m so excited for my results and the opportunity to learn more about my body. 

The test was really straightforward, although definitely not for the faint-hearted. If you’re not good with blood then I wouldn’t recommend this test - you need to take 600ml of blood (so a lot more than just a simple finger prick test) and it can get quite messy! However it is really quick (takes less than 5 minutes) and an amazing option for anyone wanting to learn more.

To learn more about Zonas, follow their Instagram or visit their website.


Thank you to Sintillate Talent for setting this up and to Zonas for kindly gifting me their test and allowing me to be a part of this awareness campaign.

*Please note that although this is sponsored, all views and opinions are my own.


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