Friday 3 April 2020

My 5 favourite healthy breakfasts

Cooking is one of my recent passions and, with trying to eat healthily, it can be a challenge. I find that eating clean can be tedious and without variety, difficult to keep up. I'm a real foodie so I can't eat the same thing over and over - I like trying new recipes and different flavours.

Breakfast is by far one of my favourite meals of the day. A good breakfast can start your day off well and be the first positive action you make. Here are five of my favourite healthy breakfasts (in no particular order)..


One of my favourite ever breakfasts has got to be my newly discovered breakfast muffins, or 'Egg Cups'. I just love them. You can keep a variety by adding different ingredients each time but my favourite has to be spinach and feta! So simple but sooo good.

Simply add the ingredients you want to a bowl and mix until combined, distribute the mixture into  a cupcake style baking tray and bake in the oven for around 15 minutes. You can serve with a salad or avocado or simply eat them on their own.


Let's face it, there's just some days where you're craving every sweet type of food in sight - BUT - sometimes you just know that you're not going to thank yourself after eating it all and need to find another way to curb those cravings. Enter my pancake recipe...

I have SUCH a sweet tooth and although I try so hard to eat well, sometimes I just have no willpower. Since coming across The Skinny Food Company and their amazing virtually zero calorie, low/no sugar products I'm finally finding a way to eat the foods I want without adding all of the extra calories.

This pancake dish is one of my favourite recipes for the days that I want that added extra sweetness. Once my pancakes are cooked, I add some fresh berries and one of the #NotGuilty zero calorie syrups to add some flavour. My favourites are Banoffee and Salted Caramel but you can add any that you like. They also sell low sugar spreads so you can have guilt free Nutella-style pancakes which is definitely on my list.


On the days where I am feeling a little more hungry than usual in the morning, I'll have a full breakfast. Scrambled eggs (sometimes with feta), avocado, mushrooms and a variety of the Linda McCartney veggie sausages. My favourites are the red pepper and chorizo which are just over 100 calories for both sausages! 

I really enjoy this breakfast as it is full of flavour and variety. This is a little higher in calories than my usual breakfasts, as it can be around 400-500 cals so if I have this for breakfast I will have a much lighter lunch (usually around 200 cals as a maximum).


Porridge is such an easy breakfast and is perfect for those cold winter days or the days you just cannot be bothered slaving away in the kitchen! 

I use The Skinny Food Co. porridge as I find their oats to be much lighter than regular porridge. Combined with some fruit (fresh berries or banana) and their #NotGuilty Golden Syrup, this is definitely a recommendation from me.


Last but not least, an omelette. You just can't go wrong. I have an omelette probably 3-4 times a week (either for breakfast or lunch) and I just will never tire of them. Plus, they're so easy and quick to make!

I love that you can always mix it up by adding different ingredients. This is one of my favourites: red pepper, spinach, mushrooms and a whole lot of pepper! Anything goes with an omelette though so you can throw anything in there. 

I usually have a side of spinach with a drizzle of balsamic which complements the dish perfectly but you can eat it on its own if you prefer to!


What're your favourite breakfasts?

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